Emergency Resources
Emergency Help Now
If you are a current student in need of emergency assistance, please contact Public Safety or use these resources.
W&L LiveSafe App
LiveSafe, a mobile-safety technology for the Washington and Lee University community, empowers students, university employees and campus visitors to take charge of their own safety and to look out for those around them.
Emergency Alerts
General Alerts is our emergency notification system that allows Washington and Lee to notify community members of emergencies or other timely information that affects the campus.
Inclement Weather
In case of inclement weather, call the Campus Emergency and Weather Hotline above for adjusted class schedules/office operations. When a decision is made to cancel classes and/or alter the University’s regular schedule, the Communications Office will place a message on the Campus Emergency and Weather Hotline stating changes in the University schedule. Weather-related announcements will also appear via General Alerts and on the W&L website.
Emergency Management Plan and More
At Washington and Lee University, we take great pride in a community of trust and care for one another. However, we also recognize that W&L and the City of Lexington are not immune from emergencies. We encourage you to explore further information about how we communicate in the event of minor or major emergencies, a summary of the University’s Emergency Management Plan and other details about how the University responds in the event of an emergency.